Often, we are so focused and praying for what we want God to do next, that we forget to reflect on and remain grateful for the much He has done already. We don’t want to be guilty of being unappreciative and not remembering the prayers already answered and blessings already received. We certainly want to keep standing on those promises that have not yet manifested in our present.  But we never want to lose sight of our stones of remembrance (ref. Joshua 4:1-7).  Let us remain grateful and recognize that God is faithful to perform that which He has said.  Some things simply have not come to fruition, not because we are doing something wrong, but because God is setting things up for us.  Remember, the Jews were ready to be slaughtered because of Haman’s plot against them (Ester 3), but God had already taken four years to set Queen Esther up in the kingdom as their deliverer.  God was already ahead of the clandestine plot of the enemy, but He used time to accomplish His will.  Oftentimes we are waiting to see what God is going to do, but we should be thanking Him for what He is doing, because He’s working it out behind the scenes.  He is working it out for our good.

The Bible tells us that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). He called us, He predestined us, He justified us, and He glorifies us! Therefore, we have everything we need as it pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).  He wants us to live a wonderful life which includes faith in His love toward us (Rom. 8:35-39).  We must take the limits off God and walk by faith and not by sight because God is working in the realm of the unseen.  Do not wait for the next blessing or answered prayer to be satisfied and truly grateful because there will be more needs and wants after this one.  Don’t let your expectations overshadow your praise.